HeroUI Provider

API reference for the HeroUIProvider.





  • Description: Provides a client side router to all nested components such as Link, Menu, Tabs, Table, etc.
  • Type: ((path: Href, routerOptions?: RouterOptions) => void) | undefined

See Router Guide


  • Description: Convert an href provided to a link component to a native href. For example, a router might accept hrefs relative to a base path, or offer additional custom ways of specifying link destinations. The original href specified on the link is passed to the navigate function of the RouterProvider, and useHref is used to generate the full native href to put on the actual DOM element.
  • Type: ((href: Href) => string) | undefined

See Router Guide


  • Description: The locale to apply to the children.
  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: en-US

Here's the supported locales. By default, It is en-US.

Here's an example to set a Spanish locale.


  • Description: The default dates range that can be selected in the calendar.
  • Type: { minDate?: CalendarDate | undefined; maxDate?: CalendarDate | undefined; }
  • Default: { minDate: new CalendarDate(1900, 1, 1), maxDate: new CalendarDate(2099, 12, 31) }


  • Description: This function helps to reduce the bundle size by providing a custom calendar system.

    By default, this includes all calendar systems supported by @internationalized/date. However, if your application supports a more limited set of regions, or you know you will only be picking dates in a certain calendar system, you can reduce your bundle size by providing your own implementation of createCalendar that includes a subset of these Calendar implementations.

    For example, if your application only supports Gregorian dates, you could implement a createCalendar function like this:

    This way, only GregorianCalendar is imported, and the other calendar implementations can be tree-shaken.

  • Type: ((calendar: SupportedCalendars) => Calendar | null) | undefined


  • Description: Determines the position where label should appear, such as inside, outside or outside-left of the component.
  • Type: string | undefined
  • Possible Values: inside | outside | outside-left | undefined
  • Default: undefined


  • Description: The default variant of the spinner.
  • Type: string | undefined
  • Possible Values: default | simple | gradient | wave | dots | spinner
  • Default: default


  • Description: Disables animations globally. This will also avoid framer-motion features to be loaded in the bundle which can potentially reduce the bundle size.
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


  • Description: Disables ripple effect globally.
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


  • Description: Controls whether framer-motion animations are skipped within the application. This property is automatically enabled (true) when the disableAnimation prop is set to true, effectively skipping all framer-motion animations. To retain framer-motion animations while using the disableAnimation prop for other purposes, set this to false. However, note that animations in HeroUI Components are still omitted if the disableAnimation prop is true.
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: Same as disableAnimation


  • Description: Whether to use native HTML form validation to prevent form submission when the value is missing or invalid, or mark the field as required or invalid via ARIA.
  • Type: native | aria
  • Default: native


  • Description: Controls the motion preferences for the entire application, allowing developers to respect user settings for reduced motion. The available options are:
    • "user": Adapts to the user's device settings for reduced motion.
    • "always": Disables all animations.
    • "never": Keeps all animations active.
  • Type: "user" | "always" | "never"
  • Default: "never"


  • Description: The default variant of the spinner.
  • Type: string | undefined
  • Possible Values: default | gradient | wave | dots | spinner
  • Default: default



  • Description: A CalendarDate represents a date without any time components in a specific calendar system from @internationalized/date.
  • Type: import {CalendarDate} from '@internationalized/date';


Supported react-aria i18n calendars.